2024 College Specialist Tracker
Offers, Commitments, & Signings
Please review our list of offers & commitments below. To help us keep it current, please notify us of any offers or commitments that are not listed, confirmation of whether a commitment is scholarship or preferred walk-on (PWO), or clarification for combo kickers about what position a kicker has been recruited to play. All Ivy League (FCS), Pioneer League (FCS) and D3 offers are technically listed as PWO (as they do not offer athletic aid), but many of these schools still offer comparable financial aid packages.
Verbal Commitments
Alphabetical Order
Nolan Hauser, K/P, Clemson University
Abram Murray, K, University of Miami​
Luke Myers, K/P, Villanova University
Current Offers
​Kickers and Combo Players
Alphabetical Order
Nic Angerstein, K/P, University of the Incarnate Word
Aeron Burrell, K, University of Louisiana Lafayette, University of Houston, Grambling State University, Southern University, Louisiana Tech, & Louisiana State University
Nolan Hauser, K/P, University of Maryland, University of North Carolina, North Carolina State University, & Clemson University
Ryan Hornyak, K, University of Massachusetts (PWO)
Michael Kern, K/P, Eastern Kentucky University
Kyle Lemmerman, K, University of Texas San Antonio & Texas Tech University
Abram Murray, K, University of Miami & University of Arkansas
Luke Myers, K/P, Villanova University
Adam Okonowicz, K, Slippery Rock University
Max Prozny, K, Georgia State University
Cooper Ranvier, K, Eastern Kentucky University
Jake Weinberg, K, Youngstown State University & Florida Atlantic University
Alphabetical Order
Drew Miller, P/K, Iowa State University & North Carolina State Univeristy
Kaden Turner, P, University of the Incarnate Word
Long Snappers
Alphabetical Order
Morrow Evans, LS, University of Mississippi (PWO)